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Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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What is the beneficiation and purification of silica powder raw materials?
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2020-05-12

Silicon powderIt is a fine powder processed by natural quartz or fused quartz (amorphous SiO2 after high temperature melting and cooling of natural quartz) through multiple processes such as crushing, purification, grinding and classification.

my country is rich in siliceous raw materials resources, including crystal, translucent and milky white veined quartz, metamorphic quartzite, sedimentary quartz sandstone, powder quartz and other types. In order to meet the requirements of raw materials for silica powder, some types of siliceous raw materials must be purified to meet quality standards before they can be used for processing silica powder.

Mineral beneficiation and purification generally involves crushing, sieving, and grinding siliceous raw materials with high impurity content to fully dissociate silica and impurities. In actual production, it is purified according to the required quality. Either through flotation, magnetic separation to remove impurities, or through water washing and classification to remove impurities, or through acid washing to remove impurities, and after drying, it is used as the raw material of silicon powder.

Processing of raw material of fused silicon powder: fused silicon powder is also called amorphous silicon powder or amorphous silicon powder. The raw material of fused silica powder produced by crushing, grinding and classification methods is fused quartz.

The above is what the editor tells you about the beneficiation and purification of silicon micropowder raw materials. You can simply understand and see the content for your reference. If you need to consult, please contact our manufacturer.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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