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Where does the raw material of silicon powder come from?
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2020-04-03

The silicon powder provided by silicon powder has applications in many fields, so where does its raw material come from?

my country is rich in siliceous raw material resources, including crystal, translucent and milky veined quartz, metamorphic quartzite, sedimentary quartz sandstone, marine sedimentary quartz sand, river-lake sedimentary quartz sand, silt quartz and other types. With the large-scale development and utilization of siliceous raw materials, high-quality siliceous raw materials are gradually reduced; in order to meet the requirements of raw materials for silicon micropowder whose output has increased year by year, some siliceous raw materials need to be purified to meet quality standards before they are used to process silicon. Micropowder.

Mineral beneficiation and purification generally involves crushing, sieving, and grinding siliceous raw materials with high impurity content to fully dissociate silicon dioxide from impurities, and then removing impurities through magnetic separation and flotation; then pickling is used to make impurities further Then use clean water to wash away the acid solution, and then use deionized water to wash away the residual impurity ions adsorbed on the surface of the particles, so that the raw material meets or exceeds the chemical index of the silicon powder; after drying, it becomes the raw material for processing the silicon powder.

The high-quality fine powder produced by the processing of silica sand for glass in my country and the southern powder quartz can be used as raw materials for silica powder. In actual production, it is purified according to the required quality. Either through flotation, magnetic separation to remove impurities, or through water washing and classification to remove impurities, or through acid washing to remove impurities, and after drying, it is used as the raw material of silicon powder. For example, powder quartz with better quality, after being mined, is washed with water and classified to remove coarse particles and impurities, and dried at the fine particle level, it can be used as a raw material for the production of alkali-free glass fiber.

The above is the editor telling you where the raw material of silicon micropowder comes from. You can simply understand it. The content provides reference, you can contact us if you need consultation,

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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