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Prospect analysis of high-purity quartz sand in the market
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-11-11

High purity quartz sandIt has excellent physical, chemical and optical properties such as high temperature resistance, high insulation, and radiation resistance. Its deep-processed products can be widely used in optics, chemicals, light industry, metallurgy, electronics, instrumentation, aerospace and other fields.

Although my country is a resource-rich country, there are not many high-quality quartz ore reserves. Although the processing and development of quartz has begun to take shape, the added value and utilization rate of the products are not high. There are many domestic quartz production enterprises, and the main industrial products are: nano silica, molecular sieves, high temperature resistant calcium silicate insulation materials, new quartz powder coatings for precision casting, colored glaze sand for construction, foamed silica, glass fiber. The main products in metallurgy are: fused quartz blocks and powders, quartz ceramic nozzle bricks for new steelmaking continuous casting technology, quartz glass bricks for glass furnaces, quartz glass shutters for float glass furnaces, and glass horizontal tempering furnaces Use quartz ceramic rollers, quartz ceramic crucibles for melting glass, stirring rods, feeding ports, rotating tubes for glass pipe drawing machines, etc. With the new technology of steel continuous casting, new technology of glass fiber kiln drawing, horizontal tempering and float glass production lines put into operation, the amount of quartz glass and quartz ceramic used in the metallurgy and building materials industry has also doubled.

High-purity and ultra-high-purity quartz products are important and urgently needed mineral materials in our country. High-purity quartz is the processing basis for many siliceous materials. At present, there are few domestic high-purity quartz production enterprises, which cannot meet the needs of domestic high-tech enterprises. High purity quartz is a supporting material in the semiconductor industry, mainly used in the IT industry and the electronics industry. High-purity quartz is also the raw material of quartz glass, which is the material of photovoltaic industry, home appliance and electric light source industry, and the raw material of optical fiber.

High-purity or ultra-high-purity quartz sand has extremely high requirements for the purity of quartz (SiO2), and metal ions such as iron, titanium, chromium, zirconium, potassium, and sodium and inclusion hydroxyl groups (-OH) are almost forbidden. Its purity is calculated by fractions. Generally, those with SiO2 content greater than 99.9% and less than 99.995% are called high-purity quartz sand, and those with a purity higher than 99.995% are called ultra-high-purity quartz sand. Unimin of the United States has been able to increase the purity of SiO2 to 99.9992%.

The above editor tells you about the prospect analysis of high-purity quartz sand in the market, you can simply understand it. The content is for your reference only. If you need to know more about quartz sand, please contact us Lianyungang Oster Silica Powder Co., Ltd.

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