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Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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Fused silicon powder is very common in today's society
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-11-28

The application of fused silica powder is very common and has been applied in many industries. Today, the manufacturer of fused silica powder introduces the application of quartz sand in the filtration industry. The fused silica micropowder filter material is made of natural quartz ore as raw material and processed by crushing and washing a fine sieve.

At present, it is a widely used water purification material in the water treatment industry. No impurities, pressure resistance, abrasion resistance, high mechanical strength, stable chemical performance, strong dirt interception ability, high efficiency, long operating cycle, suitable for single-layer and double-layer filtration, filtration, ion exchange, all indicators have reached (CJ / T43-2005) specifications.

Fused silicon powder filter media: Mainly used for sewage treatment, there is no problem for three to five years, just to avoid the loss of molten silicon powder, it does not matter if it is polluted, because sewage treatment, sludge can stop aerobic or anaerobic adsorption, Degrade pollutants in sewage.

The above is a small series, telling you about the melting of silica fume is very common in today's society, you can simply understand it. The content is for reference only. Aoste has been producing micro-silica for many years. For more information, please contact us.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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Mobile  E-mail:97318091@139.com

Address:Donghai County, Lianyungang City  TelePhone:13851216155  MobilePhone:13851216155