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Current Status of Research and Development of High Purity Quartz Sand
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-12-26

Talk about the research and development status of China's high-purity quartz sand: These areas have large reserves, high grades, and easy mining, but most quartzite ores can only be used as low-end quartz products with low economic added value, such as silica fume, glass, and refractory materials. , Ferrosilicon, Silicon Carbide, Fused Silica, etc.

In fact, my country has many mineral resources that can be used to produce high-purity quartz sand, but due to backward processing methods, there is a lack of basic research on the mineralogy and geological origin of quartz glass raw materials, and the products cannot meet the requirements of high-purity quartz raw materials. At present, the medium and low-grade high-purity quartz sand used for quartz glass in my country is mainly made of crystal. my country's crystal reserves are limited, expensive, and uneven in texture. Some mineral impurities and impurities in the process cannot be removed, resulting in low quality and unstable quality of ultra-pure quartz crystals produced in batches of crystal sand.

With the increasing depletion of high-quality quartz sand resources in my country, solving the problem of insufficient self-sufficiency of high-grade quartz sand in my country is mainly concentrated in geological exploration, technological mineralogy and beneficiation engineering technology. First, we must look for ore with relatively pure crystals, less gas-liquid inclusions, and uniform replacement. Second, modern advanced physical and chemical separation and purification technology and equipment research and development of efficient and stable high-purity quartz purification technology. High-purity quartz sand has become a strategic product of the national economy. Striving for the progress of purification technology and industrial development of my country's high-purity placer and realizing self-sufficiency of high-grade placer is an urgent need for the development of my country's quartz glass industry, and is of great significance to the development of my country's related high-tech industries.

The above is a small series, to tell you about the current status of the research and development of high-purity quartz sand, you can briefly understand. The content is for reference only, and you can contact our manufacturer for any inquiries.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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