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Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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What is the specific industry of fused silica sand
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-12-28

As we all know, fused silica sand is a quartz series, a typical glass structure, and its atomic structure is remotely disordered. It is cross-linked through a three-dimensional structure to provide high temperature and low thermal expansion coefficient. With the continuous development of science and technology in my country, the extraction process of fused silica sand is also constantly improving. Fused silica sand is also continuously used in many fields, so fused silica sand has specific applications!

Electronics industry: It can be used as filling materials for high-purity metal silicon, communication fibers, rubber and plastics, and can also improve wear resistance.

Metallurgical industry: It can be used as raw materials or additives, solvents such as metallic silicon, ferrosilicon and lead-silicon alloy. Chemical industry: Silica compounds and water glass, such as raw materials, sulfuric acid tower packing, silica gel, etc. Construction industry: concrete, cement-based materials, road construction materials, artificial marble, cement physical performance test materials. It can also be used in precision casting, glass ceramics, refractory materials, etc.

The above is a small series, which tells you about the specific applications of fused silica sand, you can take a look at it briefly. The content is for reference only, we need to know the contact information of the consulting manufacturer.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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Mobile  E-mail:97318091@139.com

Address:Donghai County, Lianyungang City  TelePhone:13851216155  MobilePhone:13851216155