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Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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Indispensable key material for electronic packaging of spherical silicon powder
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2020-05-09

Spherical silicon powder is not only good in shape, but also has high chemical purity and low content of radioactive elements. It can meet the technical requirements of high-end integrated circuits. Its application can greatly reduce the thermal expansion coefficient of the plastic packaging compound, reduce its dielectric constant, and reduce stress. The earth enhances the rigidity, abrasion resistance, weather resistance, impact resistance, compression resistance, tensile resistance, moisture resistance, and flame resistance of the product, so that the product has good arc resistance insulation properties and UV radiation resistance, and has become an electronic package Indispensable key material.

In addition to being mainly used in the field of electronic packaging, spherical quartz powder can also be widely used in the manufacture of electronic inks, optical fibers, cosmetics, precision ceramics, precision grinding of optical devices and electronic components, and as fillers for special paints.

Silicon powder can be divided into two categories: crystalline and amorphous. Generally, integrated circuits are engraved on monocrystalline silicon wafers by lithography, then connect the connecting leads and pins, and then encapsulate them with epoxy molding compound.

In the field of microelectronic packaging, amorphous or fused silica powder is mainly used, with a size in the order of micrometers. According to its shape, fused silica powder can be further divided into angular silica powder and spherical silica powder.

The above is the indispensable key material for spherical silicon micro-powder electronic packaging. Simply, the description hopes to help everyone understand. The content is provided for reference. If you need consultation, you can contact our manufacturer.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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