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The magical effect of the price of silicon powder in the coating?
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2020-04-01

The following editor talks about the magical effect of silica powder price in coatings?

The improvement of coating performance is inseparable from inorganic fillers. As an important filler, silica micropowder can significantly improve many properties of coatings. Moreover, silica micropowder is a non-metallic material that is odorless, non-toxic and non-polluting, with high hardness and thermal conductivity. The advantages of low coefficient, high temperature resistance, stable insulation and chemical properties. Most of the silicon powders on the market are obtained through low-cost physical methods, and its market prospects are quite broad.

Silica powder can improve the hardness, impact resistance and other mechanical properties of the coating

Titanium dioxide is the main white filler in powder coatings, but its preparation process is complicated, pollutes the environment, and is expensive. The structure of silicon powder is similar to titanium dioxide, so try to replace titanium dioxide with silicon powder.

The hardness of the coating is related to the main film-forming substances, pigments and fillers. When the main film-forming substances are certain, the filler has a dominant influence on the hardness of the coating film. It can be seen from Table 2 that with the increase of the silicon powder content, the hardness of the coating film increases, which can greatly improve the wear resistance of the coating film.

Silicon micropowder has a large surface activity, and it forms a force far greater than van der Waals force with the epoxy group at the interface, which is beneficial to the stress transfer between the silicon micropowder and the epoxy resin and improves the ability to bear the load. This is the reason why the impact resistance of the coating increases with the increase of silicon powder. When the amount of silicon powder exceeds 50%, the strength of the composite material decreases, and the impact resistance decreases accordingly. Therefore, silicon powder cannot completely replace titanium dioxide, but it can work synergistically to improve impact resistance within a certain range.

Silica powder can improve the water absorption, electrical strength and volume resistivity of the coating

Unsaturated polyester insulating varnish is made by polymerizing dihydric alcohol, saturated dibasic acid and unsaturated dibasic acid, and then adding styrene, diallyl phthalate or acrylate to dilute. Good electrical and mechanical properties, suitable for immersion treatment of various motors and transformers, and can improve the insulation, mechanical and thermal conductivity of electrical appliances.

The above is the magical effect of the price of silica powder in the coating that the editor told you? You can understand the simple description. The content provides reference, you can contact us if you need to consult.

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