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What is the production process of ultra-high purity quartz sand?
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2020-03-23

Let me tell you about itUltra high purity quartz sandProduction process?

The main equipment for producing quartz powder by dry method is stone crusher, grinder, vibrating screen, etc. The technological process is that the quartz stone material is processed into smaller stones by a knocking stone machine, and the stones are processed by a crusher to process sand particles, and then screened by a vibrating screen. In the screening process, the magnet rods and row magnets are used to remove iron, and then packed Finished storage.

The main equipment for producing quartz powder by water method is stone crushing machine, stone mill, roasting room, vibrating screen, waterway system, etc.

There are two grades of quartz powder made by dry method and water method, ordinary quartz powder and refined quartz powder.

The above is the production process of ultra-high purity quartz sand that the editor tells you? You can understand the short answer description. The content is for your reference only. Lianyungang Oster Silica Powder Co., Ltd. has been producing quartz sand for many years. If you need consultation, please contact our manufacturer.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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