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Technical standards for ultra-high purity quartz sand
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-12-27

The following editor will tell you about the technical standards of ultra-high purity quartz sand:

Chemical industry: In the field of chemical products processing, quartz sand is the main raw material for the production of potassium silicate, sodium silicate and various forms of silica.

Ceramic glaze: Quartz sand for general ceramic glaze requires: SiO2>98.5%, Al2O3<0.05%, and="" the="" particle="" size="" -200="" mesh="" accounts="" for="">

Quartz sand for artificial quartz stone plate:

The color is the same, generally there can be no second color in a product

The particle size composition is uniform, and there should not be too many coarse or fine particles

The product has good cleanliness and no dust

The moisture content should be less than 0.5%.

Quartz sand for construction: check the quality of various types of cement and the particle size of standard concrete sand of 0.25~0.65mm.

Quartz sand for metallurgy:

Abrasive sand: The sand has good roundness, no edges and corners, with a particle size of 0.8~1.5mm, SiO2>98%, Al2O3<0.72%,><>

Sandblasting: The chemical industry often uses sandblasting to remove rust. Requires SiO2>99.6%, Al2O3<0.18%,><0.02%, particle="" size="" 50~70="" mesh,="" spherical="" shape,="" mohs="" hardness="">

Machinery industry: The abrasive quality requirements are: SiO2>98%, Al2O3<0.94%,><0.24%,><0.26%, particle="" size="">

The above is the technical standard of ultra-high purity quartz sand that the editor tells you. You can simply understand it. The content is for your reference only, you can contact us if you need to know about it.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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