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Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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What is the unique production process of ultra-fine silicon powder
Edit:Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.   PublicDate:2019-12-02

Superfine silica powderIt is a product specially manufactured for industries that require ultra-fine fillers, such as silicone rubber, paint coatings, refractory materials and other chemical products, using a unique production process.

It has the characteristics of reasonable and orderly, controllable particle size distribution, and is not easy to settle. To improve and improve the performance of products, our company may also modify the powder according to the needs of users and process active ultra-fine silicon powder.

Ultra-fine silicon powder has a wide range of applications, such as silicone rubber, plastics, paints, dental materials, rubber tires, precision ceramics, and refractory materials.

The above is a brief description of the unique production process of ultrafine silicon powder, which is briefly described by the editor. You can simply understand it. The content is provided by Lianyungang Oster Silicon Micropowder Co., Ltd. If you want to know more inquiries, please contact our factory.

Lianyungang Oster Silicon Powder Co., Ltd.
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Address:Donghai County, Lianyungang City  TelePhone:13851216155  MobilePhone:13851216155